Through out my life I have had many ups and downs. Excitement and boredom, passion and lethargy, fear and courage.....but in the course of my life, and more specifically my life with Christ, I have found this to be true:
I have never really felt bold about proclaiming my faith to others.
There has always been this hesitation in me....and a lack of power in my words. Granted, there have been times that I have been bold and that I have stood up for what I believe in.
But.... as a whole, I have always felt this lack of authority lingering in the back of my heart.
For quite some time now, I have wanted to go to those in need of light and hope. But this lack of power in me has held me back...... almost as if God was and has been trying to communicate something with me.....a hesitation....a feeling that I still lacked something.
I have felt the horrible feeling of trying to force (even out of a sincere heart) the love of God on someone. Powerlessly telling someone with out effect that "God Loves Them" (EVEN THOUGH IT'S TRUE!).....or trying to tell someone about Christ that has not invited the information and turning them off to His message even more.
Basically, trying to do "what I am supposed to" without any authority or power in my words.
I fear that one of the biggest deterrents to people being open to Christ and the life transforming love of God, is that it is often coming from someone who is ignorant. And as a result, has no sway in their words. (Me being guilty of being one of those.)
It has nothing to do with whether my heart is truly desiring the best for these people or not. It is the plain simple fact that I have no idea of what I am talking about. That I have no real personal knowledge or experience of the amazing power of which I speak
In fact, I am simply repeating everything I have heard with no real personal knowledge. Because of this, my words lack weight (although they are true) and they are empty, with no real power to change much of anything.
(Can God use me despite this? Of course He can. But I don't think that is what He is looking for.)
The fact is that the majority of Christians walk around with a bunch of scripted answers and no real knowledge of who Christ ACTUALLY is. With no true experience of Him beyond their initial salvation. No growth. Still walking around in the same spiritual diapers we've been in for years. Which, truthfully, makes us look like a bunch of simpleminded fools to those who are looking for real answers.
It is similar to the difference between one person who experiences an event and proceeds to recount it with passion and accuracy because of their experience and first hand knowledge and a second person, being one who has simply heard of the event. Although they are recounting an actual event, their words do not carry much power, passion, or legitimacy due to the fact that it is only something they have been told about and not something they have experienced. They simply cannot hold the same authority in their story as someone who was actually there.
Unfortunately, for the majority of my life I have been that second person. Telling others about the real Creator and the real truth of His love, but holding no power in my words and no real power in my life.
I have been speaking without knowledge. And it is a huge turn-off for those who desire what is real and genuine.
It was not because I did not have the true desire for it! Many of us sincerely want to effectively share Christ's Love.
It is our lack of knowledge (personal experience and precise understanding) that leaves us wanting.
The journey that God has had us on over the last several years has begun to change that.
I believe that the hesitation to step out boldly that I had lingering in the back of my heart and mind, for most of my life, was from God. Not because He didn't want His gospel made known, but maybe because something so great would have been misrepresented by my powerless words and life.
God desires to know us. To be known. And Christ's sacrifice and payment for our sin made that possible.
Authority and power in our words and lives can only come from real, personal, daily encounters with the living God.
As those who represent Christ here on earth, we are designed to shine ( Matt. 5:14-16) and to be beacons of hope in a world that is dying and full of darkness. (I'm not talking about being "happy" all the time either)
Are you someone who is speaking without knowledge? Do you feel like you want to share Christ, but don't know how to or feel weak and pathetic when doing so?
I believe it does not have to be this way.
We have the ability to gain this much needed knowledge and experience, but it takes courage, determination, and an unbreakable desire for what is REAL.
GOD IS REAL, CHRIST IS REAL, and the ability to live life and life more full (Jn 10:10) is at our finger tips. But we have to be willing to ask tough questions and challenge what we believe so that what is worthless can be thrown away and what is true can be gained. (Phil 3:7-12)
Pray like God is real and ask Him for understanding and knowledge. Seek Him in the scriptures and find out what He really says. Not what you have just been told.
God's word is "living and active" (Hebrews 4:12) and it is as you approach God's word with an open heart that you can begin to EXPERIENCE Him in a way you never knew possible. Step out in faith and do what it says. Apply it's principles and see what happens.
God says that we will find Him when we seek with all our heart. (Jer. 29:13) Come to Him. Be real. Seek Him with all you have. You will find Him.
It is as we do this that we will hold out a brilliant light and speak with this world in a way that is REAL and that carries conviction with each word spoken.
The challenge for you and me alike, is that we take this thing seriously and dedicate ourselves to growing in the knowledge of Christ. (Eph. 1:17-23, Phil 1:9-11/ 3:7-16, Col. 1:9-12 ..and many others)
....as we do so, not only will we "have everything we need for life and godliness" (2 Pet 1:3) ... but we will "be able to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (1 Pet 3:15)
and Lord willing we will do so!
Let us grow in "true knowledge of Him" (Col 2:2-3)
so that we will no longer Speak without Knowledge.
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